Tuesday 7 July 2020

See The Allegations against Magu in a memo sent to President Buhari.

. Alleged discrepancies in the reconciliation records of the EFCC and the Federal Ministry of Finance on recovered funds

. Declaration of N539billion as recovered funds instead of N504b earlier claimed

. Insubordination to the office of the AGF by not seeking his approval on some decisions

. Not providing enough evidence for the extradition of ex-Minister of Petroleum Resources, Diezani Alison-Madueke

. Alleged late action on the investigation of Process and Industrial Development (P&ID) leading to legal dispute

. Not respecting court order to unfreeze a N7 billion judgment in favour of a former Executive Director of First Bank

. Alleged delay in acting on two vessels seized by Nigerian Navy leading to the loss of crude

. Alleged favouring of some investigators called Magu’s Boys

. Reporting some judges to their presiding officers without deferring to the AGF

. Alleged sales of seized assets to cronies, associates and friends

. Alleged issuance of investigative activities to some media prejudicial to some cases.

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