Tuesday, 7 July 2020

10 Powerful and Inspiring Quotes By Sheikh Ahmad Deedat

Shaikh Ahmed Deedat was a great South African writer and public speaker of Indian descent. He was best known as a Muslim preacher, who held numerous inter-religious public debates with evangelical Christians, as well as video lectures on Islam, Christianity, and the Bible.
Deedat established the IPCI, an international Islamic missionary organisation, and wrote several widely distributed booklets on Islam and Christianity. He was awarded the King Faisal International Prize in 1986 for his fifty years of missionary work. He wrote and lectured in English. Shaikh Deedat earned huge respect among Muslims for his fierce speeches against Christian missionaries.
He died in 2005 and will be remembered for his great service to Islam. Read 10  quotes by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat which will have a positive impact on yourself.
1. “Language is the key to the heart of people.”
2. “Someone said: Women are the cause of problems in the world…..Yes, I agree; because she suffered 9 months to bring    a fool like you in a life to say that Women are the reason for the problems.”
3. “The biggest enemy of Islam is the ignorant Muslim, Whose ignorance leads him to intolerance whose actions destroy the true image of Islam. And when the people look at him, they think that Islam is what he is.”
4. “Islam will win with or without you. But without Islam, you will be lost and you will loose.”
5.  An atheist asked Sheikh Deedat, “How would you feel if you died and discovered that the Hereafter was a lie?” Sheikh replied ” No worse than when you die and discover that the Hereafter is the truth.”
6. “If you love Allah, you have to love Prophet (pbuh). If you can’t love the one you can see, how can you love the one whom you can’t see.”
7.  “Christianity is not the religion of Jesus, but it is the religion of Paul. If Christians really followed Jesus, they would have been Muslims.”
8.  “Women – They are your mother, They are your sisters, They are your daughters, They are your aunts. They have to be loved and cherished and not for sale, So, I don’t advertise them.”
9. “Go back to the Qur’an. Allah gives you directions on how to do the job. He is giving you example after example but Muslims are not reading the books. They rattle it off. They memorize it, they recite it beautifully, they put people in ecstasy when they recite. But WHAT ARE WE READING ? Are the sound, the melody and the voice, reward that we are reading for?”
10.”We have got so much energy that we don’t know how to use it. So what are we doing now? We are using this energy to bash each other; busy, busy, busy, ‘you know about your beard, that it is not the standard fist size’, you are wearing Mushrik clothes, busy, busy, busy in such petty matters.
What I say is, Look, the important thing in life is that you must identify; Who are the people there to subvert you, Who are out to steal your children and so on. Instead of worrying about the beard or the mustache, whether it should be shave or trimmed. What is this luxury that we are enjoying ?
We can’t afford this luxury because these are the things going on that are going to destroy us, that are going to break us up.
These were the few important quotes by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, the most celebrated Muslim Daee of recent times. His quotes will definitely inspire you to become a good person and a good Muslim.

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